Simple • OverBuilt • Easy to Operate
Blowing away the competition
The cornerstones of ARM’s products are simple designs, ease of operation, and built for years of dependable service. They’re ideal for year-round clean up of sports events, concerts, campgrounds, municipal parks, cemeteries, landfill boundaries, disaster recovery, and stormwater cleanup. Their different designs offer multiple price points and features. Trailer mount units are totally self-contained and deliver an affordable solution. The Leaf loader is an affordable unit with left-hand pick up and forward and rear intake modes. Our Chassis units deliver outstanding results with efficiency and control. Customers have used our units in the field for many years. Their simplicity and design deliver a quality investment.

Truck Mounted
All-in-one chassis units are easy to operate with joystick control, maximizing productivity. One operator can now handle the job that used to take two. These units are used year-round for small jobs and seasonal cleanup, delivering years of dependable service. Imagine handling your toughest jobs quickly and with ease. There are dozens of uses including large events, universities, spring cleanup, disaster recovery, stormwater PMPs, and helping you meet and exceed MS4 for compliance.

Trailer Mounted
These units and quality built, with heavy duty construction, and ease of operation. Ideal for all types of cleanup including disaster recovery, spring cleanup, Sports events, campgrounds, parks, and even cleaning horse stalls. The units are easy to dumb, and operator friendly. The available in a variety of Hopper sizes, with one just right for your application.

leaf loader
Our leaf loader is a workhorse with years of dependable service. It is ideal for quick pick ups with maximum versatility. Like all of our units, it has been designed for ease of operation, and employees can be trained in just a matter of minutes. I it’s right or left hand operation improve activity. Call customers have enjoyed this unit for years with minimal maintenance.